The Police report was released today for Bobby Petrino’s Motorcycle crash on Sunday. One small detail was left out of his press conference earlier this week. He had a passenger with him.
Here’s what we know…

Jessica Dorrell
- The police report includes a 25 year old female passenger named Jessica Dorrell.
- She was recently hired to his staff after working with the Razorback Foundation for the last couple years.
- Jessica Dorrell is engaged to Josh Morgan and her wedding is scheduled for June 9, 2012. (65 Days).
- Jessica Dorrell and Bobby Petrino were picked up by a passing car at the scene of the accident and dropped off at the corner of Crossover and Huntsville road.
- Petrino was picked up by Arkansas State Trooper Capt. Lance King who is assigned as his security during football season and taken to Physicians’ Specialty Hospital in Fayetteville.
- Bobby Petrino was released from the Hospital on Tuesday and returned to practice the same day.
We’ll keep the facts updated as they’re revealed.

Jessica Dorrell and her Fiancé Josh Morgan.
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