Garrett Uekman’s death was an unexpected tragedy, one that is as sudden as it is shocking. Uekman was obviously loved by those close to him including: friends, family, teammates, coaches, and even Razorback staff. Jeff Long was surprisingly able to hold his composure throughout […]
For all the sad and pathetic things in the world, Westboro plans on picketing Garrett Uekman’s funeral. Westboro officials confirmed this over Twitter and even talked towards Knile Davis(@boobie_knile) [blackbirdpie id=”138415060929363968″] [blackbirdpie id=”138421690601455617″] [blackbirdpie id=”138422069225459712″] [blackbirdpie id=”138422412936101888″] [blackbirdpie id=”138422929326211072″] [blackbirdpie id=”138423338195361792″]