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13 years ago

Garrett Uekman’s death was an unexpected tragedy, one that is as sudden as it is shocking. Uekman was obviously loved by those close to him including: friends, family, teammates, coaches, and even Razorback staff. Jeff Long was surprisingly able to hold his composure throughout […]

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13 years ago

For all the sad and pathetic things in the world, Westboro plans on picketing Garrett Uekman’s funeral. Westboro officials confirmed this over Twitter and even talked towards Knile Davis(@boobie_knile) [blackbirdpie id=”138415060929363968″] [blackbirdpie id=”138421690601455617″] [blackbirdpie id=”138422069225459712″] [blackbirdpie id=”138422412936101888″] [blackbirdpie id=”138422929326211072″] [blackbirdpie id=”138423338195361792″]